It has been seven months since Pestilent Age has last released a single. Now the time has finally come for us to release five brand new singles we’ve worked so hard on since wrapping up “Nationalistic Savagery”. As was true for “Nuclear Winter”, Chemicals of Annihilation”, and “Nationalistic”, the three of us have decided to use these one-off songs to experiment with new sonic possibilities. Different approaches on each song have been taken when writing, recording, mixing, and mastering in hopes that we can settle on an overall approach that focuses on all three of our strengths as musicians while working on bettering our weaknesses. This time around we decided to embrace more of our black metal influences to write the newest edition to our musical cannon, “Self-Righteous Self-Serving Interest”.
Lyrically “Self-Righteous Self-Serving Interest” continues with our latest theme of global problems. Zoning in on corporate greed as well as our overbearing need for convenience, “Self-Righteous Self-Serving Interest” discusses leading mankind on a path towards its own destruction by obliterating natural resources through pollution, global conflict, nuclear waste, and various other means. Since the dawn of the global industrial revolution beginning in the 19th century, humans have begun affecting and shaping their environment in ways that had previously never been imagined. Harsh chemicals and oil fueled this vast expansion into an unknown world of newly discovered mechanical engineering, and before our race could understand the complex inner workings of the world around us we began to destroy it. With all this new-found technology people could live in places previously uninhabitable, clear swathes of land miles wide to grow food, and tear deeper into the earth than ever before to pull up precious metals that fueled our newly found way of life. Two hundred years later we have the consequences of our actions to deal with.

Musically speaking “Self-Righteous Self-Serving Interest” is our 2nd attempt to showcase more of our black metal influence. “Nuclear Winter” was our first honest attempt to incorporate black metal stylings into our music and using what we had learned during that writing process we decided to expand this concept further. Arpeggiated chords, the use of 7th chord phrasings, and an undertone of synth are scattered throughout this track in classic black metal fashion. “Self-Righteous Self-Serving Interest” has some of the most complex bass lines Spud has written thus far. While more complex than past releases the bass guitar blends in with the music better than ever. Seamlessly Spud’s bass glues Steve’s massive drum sound and Roach’s piercing guitar tone well.
Over top of this dense music Roach’s vocal arrangements have progressed and matured. His lows have become thicker, his mids more aggressive, and his highs shriller than anything we’ve released prior. These next few singles were a chance for this band to take a step back and focus on our music from start to finish and one of the areas often rushed into completion was our singing. No longer will that be the case. More time than ever before was poured into writing and arranging these lyrics that were so carefully crafted, hour after hour was slaved away making sure our final drafts were exactly how we wanted them to be. Finally, after reaching the other side of this learning curve we have so much more experience to bring to the table in the future.
It may be just another metal song amongst a vast sea of metal music but for us “Self-Righteous Self-Serving Interest” along with the 4 singles that will follow it are a huge leap toward the three of us finding “our sound” …. Whatever that may be. As a band our trio has come a long way in just 2 short years and we hope only to continually progress forward with each challenge that crosses our path. Ultimately our goal is to effortlessly translate what our imagination creates into audible music readily accessible to the world. We’re clearly not there, but the challenges of obtaining such a skill have thus far reaped their own rewards.
Riff 1
this cold ugly world
decimated by
our own self-righteous
self-serving interest
beauty over brains
instead of progress
Riff 2
bleeding the planet dry
a sixth mass extinction
waning our space to live
polluting our ocean's
poisoning air and land
legitimize liars
disregard scientists
Riff 3
disregard facts
collecting checks
from super pacs
short term rewards
in exchange for
ignoring truth
passing down
Riff 1 chords
global warming
nuclear waste
oil spillage
global conflict
riff 1 7 string
this cold ugly world
decimated by
our own self-righteous
beauty over brains
instead of progress
Riff 2
bleeding the planet dry
a sixth mass extinction
waning our space to live
polluting our ocean's
poisoning air and land
legitimize liars
disregard scientists